An appealing idea with a really good start Regardless of the one you choose it’s going to be a blast. The game offers two modes, every man for himself or team fights. The battlegrounds are diverse with plenty of places that offer cover, you get moving platforms that help or hinder you, explosive barrels to use and a lot more stuff that makes Superfighters Deluxe really fun to play. Optimal enjoyment is achieved when entering an arena with seven other players.

They’re easy to understand but take a while to master and after you do, the game really tends to take off. The controls in Superfighters Deluxe are spot on those which you would expect from a solid platformer. Simplified gameplay that takes a bit to master If you run out of ammo you can challenge your opponent to a good’ol fistfight or quickly jump or climb your way to a location where new supplies have been dropped. You have handguns, machine guns, grenades, molotovs and a lot more. There are multiple types of weapons that do different amounts of damage and have variable accuracy depending on the distance you fire from. Everyone starts off without any kind of weapon, except for punches and kicks, so quickly finding one is crucial. In Superfighters Deluxe your goal is to eliminate all the other opponents that have entered the same arena as you. A lot of fun shooting, dodging and jumping It’s a fast-paced game that provides non-stop action and is packaged in good looking retro style graphics. Slowing time will give you an advantage for picking up stronger weapons and letting you decimate your opponents.Superfighters Deluxe is multiplayer oriented platformer in which you can customize a character, enter one of the many arenas and face other players in a shootout to the death. You need to stay on the move by rolling, dodging, and diving to get away from or close the gap between you and your opponent. If you see your opponent going for a better weapon than you have, then make your way to them to save your precious health. You can select as many bots as you want to popular a level, then see who comes out on top.

Finishing each challenge will unlock a new player’s skin.