While this is probably fine, and about right in the sense that LTTP had two of these overworld maps, and our map has a bit more negative space taken up by solid items than LTTP had, we don't want the map getting so large that it is impossible to navigate and recall the separate spaces, or that key points the player is supposed to recall for later are too far apart, or too many to be noteworthy. The current scale places the finished map to be 250% to 300% the scale of one of the Link to the Past maps. this is also a natural effect to emerge because it's the simplest way to address the problem of the camera anchoring at room edges being off at certain kinds of T-junctions as a consequence of how it functions.Īn entire region to the east of the village was basically eliminated because I found it to be redundant with the western region after it was implemented, and would have just served to bloat the map in scale unnecessarily, when we actually need to be doing the opposite.

The borders of the rooms are tending toward more regularity, with multiple rooms aligning to straight lines in their adjacencies. A couple rooms were eliminated because they ended up being redundant filler when other rooms took up functions they were intended for. Most of the same rooms are still there, but they changed in scale in proportion to one another, as the original schematic was never planned to be at exact proportional scale.

You can see that some things changed from the schematic to the detailed planning stage (as expected). The major pieces of land which were added this month were the Village proper, and several adjacent annex spaces which are connected to it for storytelling purposes, as well as the midlands forest, the marshes, and their connections to adjacent future regions.